Leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ
We are open and practicing safety precautions
Click here for our Covid-19 Strategy
We are a Luke 5 Church:
When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down
the nets for a catch.” Luke 5:4
Presence Driven
We desire to be a presence driven church, in other words we want to be guided daily by the Holy Spirit. We choose to do this as individuals and as the corporate church as we come together.
We want to live out what we read in the Bible but we realize it is impossible on our own. God made it that way. The only way we can live this out is through the power of the Holy Spirit enabling us.
As a church, we wait on direction from the Lord and try not to make up stuff when he does not direct. We are not looking to be time fillers. We want to be involved in God's work, in His time and in His location. We are not perfect at this but keep moving forward.
Worship With Us
We stream our worship service live on Facebook every Sunday morning at 10:30am.
Redemption House of Prayer RHOP